His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand was born on December 5, 1927 at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
His Royal Highness Prince Mahidol of Songkla carrying His Majesty the King,
photographed in Massachusetts, U.S.A. in 1928.
His Royal Highness Prince Mahidol of Songkla, the Royal Father of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, was born on January 1, 1892 to Their Majesties King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) and Queen Savang Vadhana of Thailand. The Prince was an alumnus of Harvard School of Public Health, and Harvard Medical School, as well as member of the Alpha Omega Alpha. His wife: Her Royal Highness Somdej Phra Sri Nakarindra Boromrajajonnani (Princess Mother of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej ofThailand) was an alumna of Simmons College. (His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej himself was born at Mount Auburn Hospital in the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts.)
The significance of Prince Mahidol of Songkla's life lies not only in his contribution to medical education and public health in Thailand, but in his example to all mankind of selflessness and dedication to the welfare of human beings.
In 1992 Thailand commemorated the 100th anniversary of his birth. The honour and deep regard in which the Thai people hold this "Father of Thai Medicine" should not remain isolated to one country, for His Royal Highness was dedicated to life Itself, affording all men equal dignity and the right to health and happiness. Sacrificing his own health, finances, and privileged position, to upholding his strong belief in the right of all men to medical care, he dedicated himself to his countrymen primarily because it was they who were in greatest need.
Never one to seek publicity, but always mindful of the dignity of those with whom he came into contact, it is doubtful that, were he alive today, he would see himself in so noble a light. For His Royal Highness, to serve his King and humanity was reward enough, and in this he amply succeeded. The commemorative Event in 1992 was an invitation to the world to come to know the man, an eminent educator, scientist and humanist, who would dutifully serve without asking for anything in return.