Boston Job Fair 1998 Resumes' Statistics

Total Resume Received:

|total        |
|          715|

Total Attendees at the Boston Job Fair on February 28, 1998 : 125 

Total Resume by Experience:

|status           |total        |
|Experience       |          472|
|Inexperience     |          243|

Total Resume by Group of Specialty:

|garea |translation                                  |total        |
|BUS   |BUSINESS                                     |          591|
|COM   |COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY                          |          143|
|ENG   |ENGINEERING                                  |          272|
|HEA   |HEALTH                                       |           12|
|SCI   |SCIENCES                                     |           70|
|SOC   |SOCIAL SCIENCES                              |          198|

Total Resume by Area:

|area  |translation                                  |total        |
|AGR   |AGRICULTURE                                  |            9|
|ARP   |ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED PROGRAMS            |            6|
|CIS   |COMPUTER AND INFOMATION SCIENCES             |          143|
|COM   |COMMUNICATIONS                               |           33|
|EDU   |EDUCATION                                    |           13|
|ENG   |ENGINEERING                                  |          266|
|FLL   |FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE             |           11|
|HEA   |HEATLH                                       |           12|
|LES   |LIFE SCIENCES                                |           11|
|LGS   |LIBERAL/GENERAL STUDIES                      |            7|
|LLS   |LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES                        |           22|
|MAT   |MATHEMATICS                                  |           24|
|PHS   |PHYSICAL SCIENCE                             |           26|
|PSY   |PSYCHOLOGY                                   |            6|
|SOC   |SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY                  |           36|
|TI    |TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL                         |            3|
|UD    |UNDECLARED                                   |           39|
|VPA   |VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS                   |            9|

Total Resume by Degree:

|degree|translation                      |total        |
|AA    |Associate of Arts                |            5|
|AS    |Associate of Science             |            5|
|BA    |Bachelor of Arts                 |          287|
|BENG  |Bachelor of Engineering          |           48|
|LB    |Bachelor of Law                  |           13|
|BS    |Bachelor of Science              |          323|
|CER   |Certificate/Diploma              |           75|
|DBA   |Doctor of Business Administration|            1|
|EDD   |Doctor of Education              |            1|
|ENGD  |Doctor of Engineering            |            1|
|JD    |Doctor of Laws                   |            1|
|MD    |Doctor of Medicine               |            1|
|PHD   |Doctor of Philosophy             |           11|
|DSC   |Doctor of Science                |            1|
|MA    |Master of Arts                   |           55|
|MBA   |Master of Business Administration|          251|
|MENG  |Master of Engineering            |           14|
|LM    |Master of Law                    |            9|
|MS    |Master of Science                |          209|
|UND   |Undeclared                       |           26|

Total Resume by Major:

|major |description              |total        |
|ACC   |Accounting               |           27|
|ATM   |Actuarial Management     |            3|
|ADS   |Administrative Studies   |           15|
|ADV   |Advertising              |            6|
|AER   |Aerospace                |            4|
|AGR   |Agricultural             |            3|
|AEC   |Agriculture Economics    |            3|
|APM   |Applied Mathematic       |            2|
|APP   |Applied Physics          |            2|
|APS   |Applied Statistics       |            3|
|ARC   |Architecture             |            6|
|ART   |Art                      |            5|
|ARH   |Art History              |            1|
|ARN   |Art Technology           |            1|
|ASS   |Asian Studies            |            4|
|BNK   |Banking                  |            1|
|BNF   |Banking & Finance        |            8|
|BCH   |Biochemical Science      |            1|
|BCT   |Biochemistry             |            1|
|BIO   |Biology                  |            5|
|BTN   |Biotechnology            |            3|
|BAM   |Business Admin & Mgnt    |          109|
|BMF   |Business Management/Finan|           10|
|CME   |Ceramic Engineering      |            1|
|CHE   |Chemical Engineering     |           23|
|CMT   |Chemistry                |            5|
|CPN   |City Planning            |            1|
|CVE   |Civil Engineering        |           30|
|COM   |Communication            |            7|
|CMS   |Communication - Mass     |            6|
|COA   |Communication Arts       |            6|
|CDS   |Communication Design     |            1|
|CPE   |Computer Engineering     |           25|
|CGD   |Computer Graphic Design  |            9|
|CIS   |Computer Information Syst|           23|
|CPS   |Computer Science         |           53|
|CSE   |Construction Engineering |            2|
|CRF   |Corporate Finance        |            1|
|COS   |Cosmetic Science         |            1|
|DTC   |Data Communication       |            2|
|DEC   |Development Economics    |            1|
|EEC   |EE/Computer Science      |            3|
|ECM   |Econometrics             |            1|
|ECO   |Economics                |           64|
|EDU   |Education                |           10|
|ECE   |Elect. & Comp. Engineerin|            4|
|EET   |Elect. Engineering Techno|            9|
|EEN   |Electrical Engineering   |           50|
|ENG   |Engineering              |           11|
|ENB   |Engineering Broadcast    |            1|
|ENM   |Engineering Management   |           10|
|EGL   |English                  |           16|
|ESL   |English as a Second Langu|            3|
|EVE   |Environmental Engineering|            4|
|FIN   |Finance                  |           99|
|FIB   |Finance & Inter Business |            1|
|FEC   |Finance and Economics    |            3|
|FMI   |Finance and Mng Info Syst|            3|
|FIS   |Financial Information Sys|            1|
|FDE   |Food Engineering         |            1|
|FDS   |Food Science             |            1|
|FDT   |Food Technology          |            3|
|FOR   |Forestry                 |            1|
|FRN   |French                   |            2|
|GEO   |Geography                |            4|
|GLG   |Geology                  |            1|
|HSC   |Health Science           |            1|
|HIS   |History                  |            3|
|HOM   |Hospitality Management   |           15|
|HRM   |Human Resource Management|            4|
|HSA   |Human Service Administrat|            2|
|IME   |Industrial & Manuf. Syste|            4|
|IOE   |Industrial & Operat. Engi|            4|
|ISE   |Industrial & System Engin|            1|
|IAM   |Industrial Administration|            2|
|IDS   |Industrial Design        |            2|
|IEN   |Industrial Engineering   |           31|
|ITN   |Industrial Technology    |            2|
|ITE   |Information Tech. & Econo|            7|
|IVT   |Innovation Technology    |            3|
|IBM   |Inter. Business & Marketi|            2|
|IAD   |Internal Auditing        |            1|
|IBS   |International Business   |           41|
|IFN   |International Finance    |            1|
|ILS   |International Legal Studi|            2|
|IMN   |International Management |            9|
|IMK   |International Marketing  |            1|
|IRT   |International Relations  |            5|
|JPN   |Japanese                 |            9|
|JNL   |Journalism               |            2|
|LAN   |Language                 |            5|
|LWB   |Language & World Business|            1|
|LAW   |Law                      |           20|
|LGM   |Logistics Management     |            2|
|MIS   |Management Information Sy|           46|
|MAM   |Management and Marketing |           16|
|MFE   |Manufacturing Engineering|           12|
|MKT   |Marketing                |           90|
|MKF   |Marketing & Finance      |            9|
|MKM   |Marketing & MIS          |            1|
|MKC   |Marketing Communication  |            1|
|MSE   |Material Science & Engine|            4|
|MAS   |Mathematical Statistics  |            6|
|MAT   |Mathematics              |           13|
|MCE   |Mechanical Engineering   |           37|
|MCO   |Media  Communications    |            2|
|MSP   |Media Studies and Product|            2|
|MIB   |Micro Biology            |            1|
|MUS   |Music                    |            2|
|NCE   |Nuclear Engineering      |            1|
|OPT   |Operation                |            1|
|OPM   |Operation Management     |            3|
|OPR   |Operations Research      |            2|
|OGP   |Organizational Policy    |            1|
|PKG   |Packaging                |            2|
|PTE   |Petroleum Engineering    |            3|
|PHA   |Pharmacy                 |            8|
|PHI   |Philosophy               |            1|
|PRD   |Photography & Art Design |            2|
|PHY   |Physics                  |            9|
|PSL   |Physiology               |            1|
|POS   |Political Science        |           21|
|PMS   |Polymer Science          |            1|
|POE   |Power Electronics        |            1|
|PSY   |Psychology               |            6|
|PBH   |Public Health            |            2|
|PRA   |Public Relation Admin/Mng|           12|
|RED   |Real Estate Development  |            3|
|SSC   |Secretarial Science      |            1|
|SEC   |Secretary                |            4|
|SOW   |Social Work              |            1|
|SOC   |Sociology                |            4|
|SWE   |Software Engineering     |            2|
|STE   |Structural Engineering   |            4|
|SYE   |System Engineering       |            9|
|TMG   |Technology Management    |            6|
|TCE   |Telecomm. Engineering    |           10|
|TCM   |Telecomm. Management     |            1|
|TMK   |Telecomm. Marketing      |            3|
|TLC   |Telecommunication        |           15|
|THE   |Theatre                  |            1|
|TTM   |Tourism &Travel Managment|            1|
|TRD   |Training & Development   |            3|
|TPE   |Transportation Engineerin|            1|
|UND   |Undeclared               |           39|
|WTD   |Weaving/Textile Design   |            1|

Total Resume by State:

|state_province      |state_tr            |total        |
|AL                  |ALABAMA             |            1|
|ALTA                |ALBERTA             |            1|
|AR                  |ARKANSAS            |            3|
|AU                  |AUSTRALIA           |            7|
|AZ                  |ARIZONA             |            8|
|BC                  |BRITISH COLUMBIA    |            1|
|CA                  |CALIFORNIA          |           44|
|CO                  |COLORADO            |           17|
|CT                  |CONNECTICUT         |           10|
|DC                  |WASHINGTON D.C      |            1|
|FL                  |FLORIDA             |            7|
|GA                  |GEORGIA             |           10|
|GM                  |GERMANY             |            2|
|HI                  |HAWAII              |            3|
|IA                  |IOWA                |            1|
|ID                  |IDAHO               |            1|
|ID                  |INDONESIA           |            1|
|II                  |INDIA               |            3|
|IL                  |ILLINOIS            |           27|
|IN                  |INDIANA             |            9|
|JA                  |JAPAN               |            5|
|KS                  |KANSAS              |            6|
|KY                  |KENTUCKY            |            2|
|LA                  |LOUISIANA           |            5|
|MA                  |MASSAHCUSETTS       |           98|
|MC                  |MACUA               |            1|
|MD                  |MARYLAND            |           13|
|ME                  |MAINE               |            4|
|MI                  |MICHIGAN            |           28|
|MN                  |MINNESOTA           |            5|
|MO                  |MISSOURI            |           17|
|MY                  |MALAYSIA            |            2|
|NB                  |NEWFOUNDLAND        |            1|
|NC                  |NORTH CAROLINA      |            3|
|NE                  |NEBRASKA            |            1|
|NH                  |NEW HAMPSHIRE       |           16|
|NJ                  |NEW JERSEY          |            7|
|NV                  |NEVADA              |            1|
|NW                  |NORWAY              |            1|
|NY                  |NEW YORK            |           26|
|OH                  |OHIO                |           26|
|OK                  |OKLAHOMA            |           10|
|ONT                 |ONTARIO             |            1|
|OR                  |OREGON              |            8|
|PA                  |PENNSYLVANIA        |           27|
|PK                  |PAKISTAN            |            2|
|PL                  |PHILLIPINES         |            3|
|RI                  |RHODE ISLAND        |           21|
|SASK                |SASKATCHEWAN        |            1|
|SC                  |SOUTH CAROLINA      |            1|
|SD                  |SOUTH DAKOTA        |            1|
|SG                  |SINGAPORE           |            1|
|SW                  |SWIZERLAND          |            2|
|TH                  |THAILAND            |          130|
|TN                  |TENNESSEE           |            7|
|TW                  |TAIWAN              |            1|
|TX                  |TEXAS               |           22|
|UE                  |UNITED ARAB EMIRATES|            1|
|UK                  |UNITED KINGDOM      |           16|
|UT                  |UTAH                |            6|
|VA                  |VIRGINIA            |           17|
|WA                  |WASHINGTON          |            6|
|WI                  |WISCONSIN           |           13|
|WV                  |WEST VIRGINIA       |            2|